Reconfigurable electrode for multi purpose sensing

Source : RElectrode: A Reconfigurable Electrode For Multi-Purpose Sensing Based on Microfluidics

RElectrode is a multipurpose sensor that can be reconfigured to sense inductance, capacitance, resistance, temperature, and pH. This can be be used to detect user input such as touch and gestures, as well as to differential between different types of objects or liquids.

It achieves this by having a tri-layer construction comprising of a grid of chambers that sits on top of a spiral path connected by tunnels. Different fluids such as red ink or liquid metal can be filled in either the spiral, the chambers, or both. This changes the properties of the sensing unit allowing a wider flexibility for detecting inputs.

Source : RElectrode: A Reconfigurable Electrode For Multi-Purpose Sensing Based on Microfluidics