Magnetically propelled cilia for locomotion and pumping

Paper: Metachronal μ-Cilia for On-Chip Integrated Pumps and Climbing Robots

Researchers from Eindhoven University devised a way to mimic the wave like motion of cellular cilia. The robot was made using micromolding and its cilia were then coated with paramagnetic carbonyl iron powder. After curing in a magnetic field, each cilia had a unique distribution of the paramagnetic particles. Applying an external rotating magnetic field caused the cilia to move in a wave and moved the robot. The robot demonstrated a load carrying capacity of 10x it’s own weight, could move in both dry and wet conditions, and even walk upside down.

Another use for this principle is the fabrication of pumps for lab on chip devices.

Source: Metachronal μ-Cilia for On-Chip Integrated Pumps and Climbing Robots